About Gail

Gail is a person who is consciously living the life she wants. 
She has work she loves, is in a passionate relationship with her husband of many years, and they have raised 3 spectacular children.  In the process, she has learned a lot about how to keep a relationship fun, loving, sensual and interesting, as well as how to thrive and survive working with a spouse in a family business, while parenting kids, and lately, enjoying grandchildren. 

She was a managing director with her husband Tom in a YPO business that doubled in size while their industry was shrinking.  Since 1999, she has been consulting with other companies to identify and address areas where they were blocking themselves.  Using a mix of seminars and personal coaching, she teaches the change management, leadership, communications, and conflict resolution strategies that they developed for their own business.  Her business background, combined with her family background, ensure that her work is based not on theory, but on the richness of her own experience.

Since 2009, Gail has been involved with Tostan, a nonprofit based in Africa, that has worked with thousands of communities to transform the lives of women and girls, ending harmful practices such as child marriage and female genital cutting.